By: Wanda Dalla Costa
Saddle Lake First Nation
The most important activity I do in order to maintain balance is a regular practice of yoga. I practice 4–6 times per week. It allows for both physical and spiritual balance and provides the mind to be still.
For mental balance, I have a 5-yr old son. His positive, playful and giving energy keeps me grounded in the larger purpose in life, which is about love and generosity. One of our favorite pastimes is to connect with nature together by hiking, biking or playing outside. I always take time to walk and visit nature.
To keep emotionally balanced, I always maintain focus on the larger purpose of life, downplaying any small setbacks that life inevitably brings.
One strategy I use on particularly mentally or emotionally demanding days, is to keep a small stone in my pocket. My mother would tell me it was grounding, and since then when I carry my stone, I do find it calming to carry a small piece of Mother Earth with me.