Self-Care Matters
By Sequoia Dance
Tribal Affiliation: Shoshone-Bannock/Assiniboine
Major(s): B.A. Human Development, Pursuing M.A. Social and Cultural Pedagogy
When we practice self-care and balance ourselves, life can be easier in managing time and stress levels. Whenever I feel like life is getting chaotic, I refer to a medicine wheel to help me get back on track. In a medicine wheel, there are four directions that carry specific meaning that focus on spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical aspects of life. In the center of the medicine wheel there is a small circle that represents self and the balance and harmony we have in relation to the four directions. This is my interpretation of the medicine wheel and it may differ for you depending upon your worldview and perspectives.
Balancing spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical life is not always easy, particularly as we go through all the difficult challenges college holds. Using a medicine wheel is one way that I stay connected to my identity, commit to my personal goals and practice self-balance. I use the medicine wheel to guide the process for writing out my personal goals.
First, I draw out the medicine wheel and then jot down my long-term goals for each direction in the medicine wheel (see image). Writing on paper helps because the process is tangible and feels more permanent (I cannot easily hit backspace or delete). An example of a physical long-term personal goal is to improve my vertical jump because I want to play competitive collegiate club volleyball. This goal is written in the physical section on the medicine wheel.
Second, I break long-term goals into short-term goals and write them in the medicine wheel. Third, I place the wheel in an open space such as the living room or in a shared space. By doing this, I am reminded of my goals on a daily basis and others also see my goals and can help hold me accountable. Lastly, I assess my short-term goals weekly by jotting down gym times and vertical progress on the wheel or on a calendar.