The Life of a Native Scholar During COVID-19
Comic by: Danielle Lucero
Tribal affiliation: Isleta Pueblo
Study: PhD in Justice Studies
This was one of the most challenging comics I have had to draw. In a time of unprecedented uncertainty, my community being at risk, and being separated from family, I decided I wanted to create a comic that expressed my feelings and also the resolve and strength of my family. I know many of us have felt alone and afraid. I have cried a lot and my mental and physical health have been impacted. I made four or five versions of this comic, trying to balance the overwhelming feelings of fear and sadness with the humor and support I have been receiving from my family and community. And so I drew what I felt and how I was working through this pandemic. My mom, auntie, cousins, and nieces have all played important roles with helping me survive living alone in Tempe away from my community and family. I hope this comic brings readers a sense of validation and a little giggle!